Internist / Geriatrist
Our clinic specializes in medical care, which includes a comprehensive assessment of the health of patients, including people aged 60+, and the development of a personalized care plan, taking into account both medical and social aspects. Thanks to our holistic approach, we strive not only to treat physical ailments, but also to take care of the mental and social well-being of our patients.
We also offer a comprehensive range of medical services to people under 60 years of age.
What we offer
Our patients can benefit from comprehensive preventive examinations, which allow for early detection of possible health problems and planning appropriate preventive actions. In addition, we offer treatment of chronic diseases, both those common in older people and those requiring specialized care.
How do we work?
What does an internist do?
An internist, also known as an internal medicine specialist, is the doctor we go to in case of common symptoms of internal diseases. The functions of an internist include providing medical advice, issuing prescriptions, prescribing medications and making referrals for consultations or rehabilitation. It often happens that a patient, noticing disturbing symptoms, is not sure which specialist he should see – generally speaking, an internist is a professional with extensive knowledge of human physiology.
This field of medicine focuses on disorders of virtually all systems in the human body. Undoubtedly, the work of an internist is one of the most demanding in the medical field, as it is based on a complex and extensive specialization. The patient’s fate largely depends on the decision of the internist, who assesses the need for further treatment with the participation of specialists. It is the internist who provides precise and substantive advice, providing detailed information about the prognosis for each patient. The internist is the foundation of the next stages in the patient’s fight, issuing the first referrals and recommending the necessary tests. In addition, a doctor specializing in internal diseases must demonstrate empathy, providing support and selfless help. An internist should be open and patient, because patients often expect from him not only valuable and specific tips, but also readiness for a long-term conversation.
When should you see an internist?
Many people are not sure which symptoms should prompt them to consult an internist. The diseases dealt with by this specialist include: ailments related to the digestive, osteoarticular, circulatory and respiratory systems, and also takes care of people suffering from heart diseases, diabetes and many others. Specialists treat patients experiencing fever, troublesome cough, abdominal pain and headaches. It is worth seeing an internist in case of recurrent diarrhea, long-term constipation and feeling of nausea. In addition, weight fluctuations and problems with sleep, memory and concentration are often signals that suggest visiting a specialist.
To sum up, it is worth visiting this doctor when we notice any disturbing symptoms related to our health. However, it should be noted that internists treat only adults.
An internist takes care of patients who struggle with a variety of diseases and ailments, including:
- Digestive tract diseases, such as diseases of the esophagus, intestines, liver, pancreas.
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Inflammation of the urinary bladder.
- Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
- Diabetes.
- Atherosclerosis.
- Hypertension.
- Respiratory infections.
What does a geriatrician do?
A geriatrician deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of people 60+, which often include osteoporosis, joint degeneration and diabetes. Thanks to professional geriatric care, our lives have a chance to become a second youth.
Geriatrician – one doctor instead of several specialists
Geriatrics is a bit of an internist, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, an orthopedist, a diabetologist, a cardiologist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist and a rehabilitator. He also knows pharmacology because he knows that the mature human body is very sensitive and reacts differently to drugs.
A competent geriatrician, such as you will find at Mediss Medical, can effectively deal not only with health problems, but also with issues related to mental well-being. He always listens to the patient with complete patience, does not underestimate his concerns, and sometimes gives friendly advice. If the patient’s condition is particularly complex and requires additional consultations, the geriatrician will refer him to the appropriate specialist.
Tasks of a geriatrician
- conducts a medical interview and basic examination to examine the patient’s condition and as part of initial diagnosis;
- orders laboratory and imaging tests (prophylactically or for diagnostic purposes);
- interprets research results;
- cooperates with specialists and institutions that care for older people suffering from incurable diseases;
- refers to sanatorium and health resort treatment;
- prescribes medications, recommends medical procedures (excluding surgical procedures), and provides general advice on the prevention of a given disease.
When to go to a geriatrician?
It is not uncommon for patients to struggle with at least two or three different ailments at the same time. These are usually diseases related to the cardiovascular system, joint degeneration, osteoporosis, diabetes and hypertension. Patients often seek advice from many doctors with different specialties – who, in turn, focus mainly on the treatment of one disease, often not taking into account other ailments. As a result, they prescribe numerous drugs to patients, which often do not bring the expected results because they interact with drugs prescribed by other specialized fields of medicine. Instead of wasting entire days visiting various clinics and spending a significant amount of money on medications, it is worth considering going directly to a geriatrician.
What diseases does a geriatrician treat?
A geriatrician deals with a wide range of diseases affecting people aged 60 and over. Starting with the most common ailments related to the musculoskeletal and circulatory systems (such as hypertension, diabetes, spine and joint pain or osteoporosis), this specialist also covers diseases of the nervous and mental system, such as dementia, dementia, delirium, senile depression, as well as problems with malnutrition or urinary incontinence. In addition, a geriatrician deals with the effective treatment of chronic pain
What to remember before visiting a geriatrician?
When preparing for a visit to a geriatrician, remember to take all existing medical documentation with you, including hospital discharge notes – even if there are a lot of documents. The patient should know what medications he is taking, including sleeping pills, sedatives and over-the-counter painkillers. If the patient keeps, for example, a diabetes diary or a blood pressure diary, he or she should also take them with him.
doc. Milena Kowalewska-Celejewska
Jestem lekarzem specjalistą w zakresie medycyny rodzinnej i geriatrii, obie specjalizacje odbyłam w Katedrze Medycyny Rodzinnej oraz Klinice Chorób […]
MorePrice list
Service | Price |
Internal medicine consultation | 200 zł |
Teleconsultation/internal medicine consultation | 200 zł |
Where are we?
Our clinic is located in the very center of the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district. You can reach us by all means of public transport.
If you are traveling by car, you can park in the Garrison area, at the back of the VIGO building:
parking Garnizon Zabytki
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We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 20:00. Use the contact form in order for us to contact you, or please use the information below.
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Lekarz internista, często nazywany lekarzem pierwszego kontaktu, posiada szeroką wiedzę na temat chorób wewnętrznych, takich jak zaburzenia rytmu serca, choroby jelit czy zakażenia dróg oddechowych. Specjalizuje się również w leczeniu chorób tarczycy. Ponadto, ma uprawnienia do przepisywania leków, czy przeprowadzania szczepień ochronnych w ramach POZ. Internista ma możliwość skierowana pacjenta badania diagnostyczne, a także do innych specjalistów czy do szpitala.
Mimo, że lekarz internista oraz lekarz medycyny rodzinnej specjalizują się w podstawowej opiece zdrowotnej, to są to dwie różne specjalizacje. Lekarz rodzinny ma uprawnienia do przyjmowania pacjentów w każdym wieku – zarówno dzieci jak i osoby dorosłe, natomiast internista specjalizuje się w diagnostyce wyłącznie osób dorosłych.
Szeroki zakres wiedzy tego specjalisty pozwala na zdiagnozowanie chorób: układu oddechowego, krążenia, pokarmowego, odpornościowego, kostno-stawowego, moczowego, a także chorób tarczycy, schorzeń metabolicznych i alergicznych.
Na początku wizyty lekarz przeprowadza szczegółowy wywiad z pacjentem dotyczący występujących dolegliwości, chorób przewlekłych czy przyjmowanych leków. Następnie może zbadać pacjenta poprzez badanie wzrokowe, czyli ocena stanu skóry i błon śluzowych, badanie palpacyjne, opukiwanie i osłuchiwane. Po postawieniu diagnozy, lekarz podejmuje decyzję o dalszym leczeniu.
Ta dziedzina wywodzi się z interny. Jest priorytetową dziedziną medycyny i obejmuje szeroki zakres chorób pacjentów w wieku 60+. Ma na celu połączenie wielu specjalizacji w jedną, ograniczając tym samym potrzebę chodzenia do kilku specjalistów jedocześnie. Geriatra zajmuje się diagnostyką i leczeniem chorób z dziedziny neurologii, psychologii, okulistyki, interny, dermatologii, rehabilitacji oraz kardiologii.
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