Individual training plans
A consultation with a personal trainer is a great step toward achieving your health and fitness goals. During such a consultation, you can discuss your expectations with an experienced professional who will help you develop a personalized training and nutrition plan tailored to your needs. The benefits of a consultation include increased motivation, training efficiency, improved technique, injury prevention, and emotional support and education on a healthy lifestyle. A personal trainer may also provide you with the necessary tools and tips to help you achieve long-term health and fitness success.
What we offer
In the era of growing awareness of health and the need to maintain good physical condition, a properly selected training plan is becoming crucial to achieving health or sports goals.
Regardless of your level of training, age and gender, we will prepare a special training and diet plan for you, which, together with our support, will allow you to achieve your dream goals.
How do we work?
If you are here, you are probably looking for a trainer who will help you achieve your health and training goals, inspire and motivate you to physical activity.
My name is Monika Wierzbicka and I am a certified personal trainer, strength and functional trainer and fitness instructor. My greatest achievements are a gold medal at the Polish Championships in the Bikini Fitness category, the Polish Cup and 8th place at the World Championships in Berlin. Specializes in:
- body shaping,
- personal training
- injury prevention and correction of posture defects
Individual Training Plans – what, for whom and how does it work?
Our offer is addressed to people who want to go to the gym on their own or want to exercise at home and are looking for safe, proven and individually prepared sets of exercises.
How are we doing?
- we arrange a first meeting to conduct tests and get to know you (past injuries, professional work, current health condition, time possibilities)
- based on the information collected from functional and motor tests, we develop your individual exercise plan, which you can implement at the gym or at home.
- together with a dietitian, we develop nutritional principles adapted to the results of your body mass composition, your body’s needs and training days
- we plan training goals and schedule
- I provide you with my support and consultations
The first meeting – we will describe it in more detail so that you know what awaits you and how to prepare for it.
1. We’re getting to know each other
We start by getting to know your lifestyle:
- level of activity during the day in free time and at work
- diet, quantity and quality of meals, portion size
- sleep, stress, possible activity hours, etc.
Then, based on the interview, the personal trainer tries to determine in detail the health condition of the person for whom he is to prepare a training plan in order to exclude contraindications to physical exercise and select the right exercises, also for people struggling with health problems.
Some sample questions:
- Do you have any problems with your musculoskeletal system (injuries, mobility limitations, fractures, sprains, etc.)?
- Do you suffer from any diseases (e.g. hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, diabetes)?
- What is the condition of your circulatory system (examples of diseases: hypertension, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, etc.)?
- Do you experience back, limb or other pain and in what situations?
For people who have had or still have a medical condition, we may ask for a medical history or available radiological tests.
2. Measurement of body mass composition and its discussion
Before starting training, we perform a precise measurement of body mass composition to determine the starting point. We start with circumference measurements, then use a special scale to examine the content of fat and muscle tissue, water level in our body, bone weight, as well as height and initial weight. We always take a “before” photo to have evidence of the quick changes that will occur in YOUR body.
3. Functional testing and posture
We need to know your strengths and limitations, so we check: joint mobility, movement patterns, posture, and spine curvature. You are watched from the very entrance, it is extremely important what posture you have and how you move. Thanks to this observation, we gain the first information about posture defects that have a real impact on your fitness.
4. We adapt the action plan to your training capabilities
Depending on your individual preferences, you can go to the gym, exercise at home or outdoors. Remember, you decide how many days a week you devote to training. Our task is to select exercises so that they meet your training goals, improve your health and encourage physical activity.
5. We discuss tips for proper nutrition
REMEMBER – to quickly achieve visible results, you must combine physical exercise with an appropriate diet.
If you are overweight and want to lose weight, your diet must be based on a caloric deficit. The person using it must eat less than the energy they use, e.g. if our daily calorie requirement is 2,200 kcal, we must reduce it to 2,000 kcal. When creating a slimming diet, we must calculate the values of all macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) necessary for proper functioning. This need is different for each of us. What helps one person lose weight may not necessarily be good for you. When calculating caloric demand, many factors are taken into account: the type of work performed, the type and duration of training, other physical activities during the day, as well as age, height and current weight. A common mistake when losing weight is not matching your diet to your lifestyle. A physically active person who exercises regularly will have a much higher energy requirement than a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle and does not move much. Drastic cutting of calories can lead to energy deficiencies, which make the metabolism lazy and cause the body to no longer cope with the metabolism after the weight loss ends, resulting in the yo-yo effect.
At Mediss Medical Clinic, you can take advantage of promotional conditions from consultations with one of our doctors or dieticians or use the help of physiotherapists.
Price list
Service | Price |
Consultation with a personal trainer | 200 zł |
2nd consultation with discussion of recommendations | 150 zł |
Where are we?
Our clinic is located in the very center of the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district. You can reach us by all means of public transport.
If you are traveling by car, you can park in the Garrison area, at the back of the VIGO building: parking Garnizon Zabytki
See you!
Individual training plans
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Contact us
We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 20:00. Use the contact form in order for us to contact you, or please use the information below.
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Uprawianie sportu przynosi wiele korzyści dla zdrowia fizycznego i umysłowego. Poprawia kondycję, wzmacnia mięśnie i kości, zwiększa gibkość i elastyczność ciała. Nieoceniony jest wpływ wysiłku fizycznego na układ krążenia i układ oddechowy: zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia schorzeń sercowo-naczyniowych i zapobiega rozwojowi nadciśnienia tętniczego. Aktywność fizyczna ogranicza występowanie cukrzycy typu II, jak również niektórych nowotworów.
Usługi świadczone przez trenerów personalnych przeznaczone są niemal dla każdego. Zarówno osoby młode, jak i te w starszym wieku mogą podjąć współpracę z trenerem, o ile nie istnieją żadne przeciwwskazania medyczne.
Trening siłowy jest formą aktywności fizycznej, która polega na wykonywaniu ćwiczeń z użyciem obciążeń, takich jak hantle, sztangielki, maszyny czy własne ciało.
Jest to rodzaj treningu beztlenowego, który polega na wykonywaniu kilku ćwiczeń na wszystkie bądź określone grupy mięśniowe w kilku seriach. Jego celem są przede wszystkim ukształtowanie umięśnionej sylwetki, rozwinięcie siły, wytrzymałości oraz poprawa ogólnej kondycji fizycznej i wydolności organizmu. Trening na siłę przyspiesza również metabolizm i ułatwia spalanie tkanki tłuszczowej.
Ćwiczenia ruchowe osłabiają reakcję stresową organizmu i poprawiają nastrój. Aktywność fizyczna przyczynia się do zwiększenia wydzielania endorfin, hormonów, które pomagają zmniejszyć uczucie bólu i poprawić nastrój oraz prowadzi do wytwarzania serotoniny, dopaminy i noradrenaliny – neuroprzekaźników zaangażowanych w regulację nastroju i emocji.
Trening personalny jest projektowany z myślą o konkretnych celach i indywidualnych potrzebach klienta. Trening pod okiem trenera personalnego niewątpliwie przyspiesza progres oraz pozwala maksymalnie wykorzystać Twój czas na siłowni. Jednym z głównych zadań trenera personalnego jest pilnowanie, czy wykonujesz ćwiczenia w prawidłowy sposób. Odpowiednia technika i sylwetka chronią przed powstawaniem urazów i poważnych kontuzji, które mogą przez kilka miesięcy uniemożliwić Ci aktywność fizyczną. Trener personalny będzie też wiedział, kiedy powiedzieć Ci stop, a kiedy zmotywować do przyspieszenia tempa. Doświadczony trener personalny przygotuje plan idealnie dopasowany do Twoich potrzeb, aktualnej kondycji, wyznaczonego celu i stanu zdrowia – dodatkowo, wyznaczy Ci realny cel, czyli taki, który z powodzeniem jesteś w stanie osiągnąć.
See also