
Proctology Gdańsk

Proctology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lower digestive tract. Conditions such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures or fistulas can significantly reduce the quality of life.

At Mediss Medical Clinic, we offer modern treatment methods and comprehensive care that restores comfort and health to patients. Our experienced proctologist will provide discreet and effective treatment.

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What we offer

The range of treatments offered includes:

Treatment of hemorrhoids – modern minimally invasive methods
Treatment of anal fissures and fistulas
Treatment of perianal abscesses
Treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease
Diagnostics and treatment of anal and rectal cancers

How do we work?


The first step is a consultation with our specialist, you can make an appointment by phone, email, through the contact form or directly at our website at „schedule an appointment” tab.


During the consultation, a doctor will ask you about the reason of your visit, your health condition and any other circumstances that may affect it. Remember that the information you provide will significantly affect the therapy provided.


If necessary, the doctor may refer the necessary tests which will be helpful to decide what is the best individual treatment for you.

Proctology at Mediss Medical Clinic in Gdańsk

Proctology is a specialized field of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the anus, rectum and lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. At Mediss Medical Clinic, we take care of patients who struggle with diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas, perianal abscesses, as well as inflammatory bowel diseases. Our clinic offers a wide range of treatments that help not only to treat the symptoms, but also to improve the patient’s quality of life.

The first visit to the proctologist

In fact, it is a routine meeting aimed at diagnosing and helping to treat conditions related to the final section of the gastrointestinal tract. The key aspect is to properly prepare for the visit and understand its course. Thanks to this, the patient can feel more comfortable and the doctor can get a full picture of the health situation. Before the visit, it is recommended to take care of hygiene (thorough washing of the anal area) and natural bowel movements to ensure the greatest possible comfort.

How does the visit work?

During your visit, your doctor will start with a detailed interview to help them understand your symptoms and health history. The physical examination is performed gently and with care for the patient’s comfort. It may include a rectal examination and, depending on the symptoms, ordering additional tests, such as an ultrasound or colonoscopy.

When is it worth going to a proctologist?

A visit to a proctologist is recommended in many situations related to problems of the final section of the digestive system. It is worth going to this specialist when you experience symptoms such as:

  • Pain, burning, itching, or discomfort in the anal area
  • Traces of blood during bowel movements, which can be a symptom of hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or other medical conditions
  • Difficulty defecating, feeling of incomplete bowel movement
  • Problems controlling stool or mucus
  • Painful bowel movements that may indicate abscesses, fistulas, or other health problems

A proctologist can also help treat chronic diseases such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, and detect early signs of rectal and anal cancers. Regular visits to a specialist are important, especially when recurring problems or symptoms arise that do not go away.

Preparing for a visit to a proctologist

In order for the visit to go smoothly, it is worth taking care of personal hygiene, as well as preparing all important documents, such as test results or a list of medications taken. The right attitude is also important – proctologists are qualified specialists who perfectly understand patients’ concerns and offer empathetic care.

Additional research

If necessary, the doctor may order additional tests, such as an ultrasound, colonoscopy or laboratory tests. These procedures help in more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment. Proctology is a field that can effectively help solve many health problems, thus improving the quality of life of patients.


At Mediss Medical Clinic, we make sure that every patient feels comfortable and is thoroughly informed about the available treatment options. All treatments are preceded by a thorough medical history and diagnostic tests, which allows for precise adjustment of the therapy to individual needs.


Our specialists

doc. Anna Trybull

doc. Anna Trybull

Surgeon. Oncological surgeon

Specialist in General Surgery, Specialist in Oncological Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine Doctor Dr. Anna Trybull is an experienced specialist in […]


Specialist in General Surgery, Specialist in Oncological Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine Doctor
Dr. Anna Trybull is an experienced specialist in general surgery, oncological surgery, and aesthetic medicine. She graduated from the Medical Academy of Gdańsk (now the Medical University of Gdańsk), obtaining her title of general surgery specialist in 2016 and oncological surgery specialist in 2019. In 2021, she earned her diploma as an aesthetic medicine doctor after completing postgraduate studies at the Górnośląska Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa in Katowice.

Dr. Anna Trybull specializes in oncological surgery, phlebology, and proctology. She worked in the Department of Surgery and the Oncological Surgery Clinic at the Voivodeship Oncology Center in Gdańsk, where she treated cancers and vascular issues such as varicose veins in the lower limbs. Her experience also includes minimally invasive endovascular procedures, such as laser varicose vein closures and sclerotherapy. In her proctology practice, she focuses on minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids and pilonidal cysts.

She currently works in the General Surgery Department of the Hospital in Puck, where she performs surgeries using both classical and laparoscopic methods.

For many years, Dr. Trybull has been passionate about aesthetic, regenerative, and anti-aging medicine. She constantly expands her knowledge by attending numerous conferences and training sessions both in Poland and abroad.

Areas of specialization:

  • Dermatosurgery (skin cancer treatment, melanoma)
  • Phlebology (minimally invasive treatment of varicose veins in the lower limbs, EVLA laser varicose vein removal, spider vein sclerotherapy)
  • Proctology (laser hemorrhoid treatment, hemorrhoid sclerotherapy)

In the field of aesthetic medicine, Dr. Anna Trybull offers a wide range of treatments, such as:

  • PRP therapy
  • Wrinkle correction with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid
  • Thread lifting procedures
  • Regenerative treatments: laser, revitalizing threads, tissue stimulators
  • Medical peels with high concentrations

Dr. Anna Trybull ensures a comprehensive approach to her patients’ health and beauty, combining clinical experience with the latest aesthetic medicine techniques. With her broad education and years of experience, she helps patients achieve harmonious and natural results, taking care of both their health and appearance.


Price list

Service Price
Proctology consultation 250 zł
Treatment of hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids od 900 zł
Hemorrhoid surgery using the classic method od 1200 zł
Treatment of anal fissure (toxin injection) od 850 zł
Sectoral excision of hemorrhoids od 1200 zł
Removal of perianal skin lesions od 1200 zł
Surgical removal of perianal folds od 1200 zł
Incision of perianal abscess od 900 zł
Incision of perianal clot od 900 zł

Where are we?

Our clinic is located in the very center of the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district. You can reach us by all means of public transport.

If you are traveling by car, you can park in the Garrison area, at the back of the VIGO building: parking Garnizon Zabytki

See you!


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    Contact us

    We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 20:00. Use the contact form in order for us to contact you, or please use the information below.

    Make an appointment by phone

    888 300 301

    Contact our e-mail address

    80-280 Gdańsk

    Szymanowskiego 2


    Can't find an answer to your question here?

    Contact us via email at or through the contact form.

    Kiedy warto zgłosić się do proktologa?

    Warto zgłosić się do proktologa w przypadku krwawienia z odbytu, bólu przy wypróżnianiu, uczucia niepełnego wypróżnienia, swędzenia lub pieczenia odbytu oraz zmian w rytmie wypróżnień.

    Czy leczenie hemoroidów jest bolesne?

    Nowoczesne metody leczenia, takie jak laseroterapia czy skleroterapia, są małoinwazyjne i zazwyczaj nie powodują dużego dyskomfortu. Znieczulenie miejscowe zapewnia komfort pacjenta podczas zabiegu.

    Jakie badania diagnostyczne są wykonywane u proktologa?

    Podstawowymi badaniami są anoskopia, rektoskopia oraz badanie palpacyjne. W razie potrzeby może być zlecone USG transrektalne lub biopsja.

    Czy proktolog może pomóc w leczeniu chorób zapalnych jelit?

    Tak, proktolog zajmuje się leczeniem chorób zapalnych jelit, takich jak choroba Leśniowskiego-Crohna czy wrzodziejące zapalenie jelita grubego.

    Jak przygotować się do wizyty u proktologa?

    W przypadku badania proktologicznego przygotowanie sprowadza się do dbałości o higienę. Przed wizytą u proktologa należy dokładnie oczyścić okolice odbytu ciepłą wodą i środkiem myjącym, a następnie starannie osuszyć ten obszar. Zaleca się spożywanie lekkostrawnych posiłków dzień przed wizytą oraz wykonanie lewatywy, jeśli zaleci to lekarz. Warto również przygotować listę objawów i wyników badań, jeśli pacjent je posiada.

    Wypełnij poniższy formularz. Skontaktujemy się z Tobą i omówimy szczegóły Twojej wizyty.