Psychotherapy is a form of treatment that involves professional therapists such as psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Psychotherapy aims to reduce the patient’s symptoms and suffering, but also to help him understand the causes of his problems and learn to cope with them in the future. Therapists use different techniques, methods and approaches, depending on the patient’s specific needs. During therapy, patients can talk about their experiences, emotions, thoughts and behaviors, which allows the therapist to understand the root of the problem and guide the patient on the correct path to recovery.
What we offer
At Mediss Medical, we offer cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy to patients. It is based on the idea that our thoughts, emotions and behaviors are interconnected. Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients identify and change negative thoughts and behavioral patterns that contribute to the problem.
How do we work?
Psychotherapy, also known as psychological therapy, is sometimes “treatment of the soul” (from Greek: psyche – soul and therapeuéin – to heal, to take care of). It is increasingly considered to be one of the most effective forms of coping when struggling with various mental problems, such as personality disorders or the effects of traumatic experiences from the past, but it is also an effective tool in dealing with other difficulties in everyday life that reduce the quality of life. our daily functioning.
Your support at the highest level
At Mediss Medical, we are on the patient’s side. We provide professional support to people with mental difficulties, in crisis situations, as well as to those who want to take care of their mental well-being. We offer professional support to patients of all ages, regardless of the type of problem, age, gender, political and religious beliefs or sexual orientation. We ensure complete discretion and comfort of our patients. Our specialist deals with both short- and long-term therapy.
What is psychotherapy?
Due to growing self-awareness, more and more people are asking whether it is worth taking psychotherapy and what it actually involves. Before the first visit, many people worry about how to start a conversation, but there is no need because this is taken care of by the psychotherapist himself, who has extensive experience in conducting such meetings. First of all, he will make sure that we feel safe and comfortable during the session, and then, by asking questions, he will try to understand and get to the sources of the patient’s problem. Based on this information and an empathetic conversation, he decides on the course of psychotherapy, which he adapts to the individual needs of the patient.
How long does psychotherapy last?
Therapeutic meetings usually take place once a week and last from 50 to 60 minutes. The entire therapy process may take from several months to even several years, depending on the course of psychotherapy, which is intended to help the patient free himself from difficulties and develop new, more effective methods of dealing with them. The duration of therapy depends on the type and complexity of the problem, the patient’s readiness and the type of therapy.
What does psychotherapy offer?
- understanding and processing difficult emotions and thoughts,
- developing the ability to cope with life challenges,
- enabling discovery and modification of harmful thought patterns and behaviors,
- improving communication and interpersonal skills,
- building healthier social and family relationships,
- support in dealing with traumatic experiences,
- facilitating the process of acceptance of yourself and others,
- developing strategies for coping with stress and life changes,
- help in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders,
- improving overall mental well-being,
- regaining energy, motivation to act, learning how to effectively achieve your goals,
- long-term benefits in terms of quality of life and relationships.
Take the first step and call or write – please contact us
Price list
Service | Price |
Psychological consultation | 200 zł |
Psychotherapy | 200 zł |
Where are we?
Our clinic is located in the very center of the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district. You can reach us by all means of public transport.
If you are traveling by car, you can park in the Garrison area, at the back of the VIGO building:
parking Garnizon Zabytki
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Contact us
We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 20:00. Use the contact form in order for us to contact you, or please use the information below.
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Psychoterapia przynosi Pacjentom wiele korzyści. Po pierwsze, terapia daje możliwość bycia zrozumianym i wysłuchanym, co samo w sobie może przynieść poczucie ulgi. Może również pomóc Pacjentom w uczeniu się nowych umiejętności radzenia sobie ze stresem, konfliktem i emocjami. Jest to niezwykle cenne w codziennym życiu, ale także w sytuacjach trudnych, takich jak utrata bliskiej osoby, rozwód, czy utrata pracy.
Psychoterapia może być również skutecznym sposobem leczenia wielu zaburzeń psychicznych, takich jak depresja, zaburzenia lękowe, zaburzenia odżywiania, czy zaburzenia osobowości. Badania pokazują, że psychoterapia jest równie skuteczna jak leki i w wielu przypadkach może prowadzić do trwałych zmian w życiu Pacjenta.
Psychoterapia nie jest cudownym rozwiązaniem dla wszystkich. Efekty terapii mogą się różnić w zależności od indywidualnych potrzeb i motywacji Pacjenta. Ważne jest, aby Pacjent był otwarty i zaangażowany w terapię, by móc osiągnąć zamierzone cele.
Kontakt z psychoterapeutą rozpoczyna się od konsultacji, czyli spotkania, podczas którego psychoterapeuta dowiaduje się, na czym polega zgłaszany kłopot i jakie są jego uwarunkowania. Dopiero wówczas Pacjent może umówić się na psychoterapię.
Czas terapii uzależniony jest głównie od rodzaju problemu i osobowości Pacjenta, mimo to terapeuta postara się go oszacować tak, by służył jej skuteczności i jakości.
W pewnych zaburzeniach jest to możliwe, jednakże powinno się to omówić ze swoim lekarzem prowadzącym.
See also