Tropocollagen therapy
Tropocollagen has a wonderful ability to regenerate the body’s tissues, so it offers great potential for wide application in various fields of medicine. Collagen therapy is a safe and effective way of treatment, because the mechanism of action of tropocollagen is the immediate reconstruction of collagen fibers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, resulting in rapid regeneration of the damaged anatomical structure of the tissue.
What we offer
At Mediss Medical, we offer effective tropocollagen therapy in particular for the treatment of all types of pain, the removal of wounds and scars, even those long-standing and hitherto unremovable in the field of aesthetic gynecology, as well as aesthetic and regenerative medicine.
How do we work?
What is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein produced by the body, constituting approximately 30% of all human proteins, and at the same time being one of the main components of connective tissue. Collagen is a kind of glue that connects cells together – it is the building material of skin, bones, teeth, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels and eye corneas. Collagen is called the protein of youth for a reason – this substance supports, among other things:
- maintaining smoothness, elasticity, good tension and hydration of the skin,
- proper functioning of joints without pain,
- faster healing of wounds and healing of broken bones,
- maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels, which improves blood circulation.
Collagen also protects internal organs such as the kidneys, stomach and liver, creating a protective layer around them. Collagen also plays an important role in the immune system, supporting the body’s defense against microorganisms, toxins and cancer cells.
However, with age, the body’s ability to produce collagen decreases – this means that at some point more collagen cells die than are produced. This is a natural process, but it can occur at a relatively young age – even before the age of 30. Moreover, harmful external factors such as stress, toxins, solar radiation or air pollution may affect its severity.
Mechanism of action of collagen therapy in the form of an injection
In drugstores and pharmacies you can buy various types of collagen tablets or dissolving sachets. Does collagen taken orally know which place in our body it should repair? Unfortunately not!
Collagen given in the injection works in an area of approximately 2 cm from the injection site, which guarantees the start of treatment in a specific area. The administered collagen is deposited at the site of damage. Our body begins to use it to repair diseased fibers, and also sends information to the surrounding cells that they should start producing their own collagen chains, into which the collagen given externally in the form of an injection can be incorporated. In this way, the injection not only facilitates the body’s regeneration, but also activates and strengthens its own repair systems.
The regenerative effect also causes a quick reduction of inflammation and pain. Thanks to this, our body returns to full fitness very quickly.
The use of collagen preparations additionally stimulates proliferation, i.e. the multiplication of fibroblasts and their migration into areas of damaged tissue. It not only plays an important role in skin regeneration as part of aesthetic medicine procedures, but is also used in the process of wound healing, scar treatment and reduction of stretch marks.
Type I collagen contained in injectable medical products is easily absorbed by our tissues and does not cause allergic reactions. The natural processes occurring in the body are not disturbed by the injection. The products we use do not contain any substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency and can be administered to professional athletes.
Type I collagen does not interact with medications. No recovery time is required after the injection. Collagen therapies can be combined with physiotherapy, rehabilitation and other regenerative preparations.
Collagen therapy – for whom?
Many people wonder how to stop the skin aging process. For these people, a collagen rejuvenation treatment is recommended, which is perfect for both mature women and men, as well as young people who show the first signs of skin aging.
The benefits of a collagen rejuvenation treatment include:
- Gradual restoration of the good condition and appearance of the skin.
- Regaining well-being and self-confidence.
- Possibility to give up expensive, but not always effective anti-wrinkle preparations containing collagen, which only act on the outer layers of the skin.
- The safety of the treatment, which is carried out under the supervision of experienced specialists, using
- original, certified collagen preparations.
- The speed of the procedure, which only takes about 60 minutes.
- No need for long-term convalescence after collagen needle mesotherapy.
- Performing the procedure under local anesthesia.
- Natural effects of skin regeneration using collagen.
Price list
Service | Price |
Biolifting kolagenowy - blizny | od 350 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - bruksizm | 400 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - dekolt | 700 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - dłonie | 550 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - okolica oka | 350 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - szyja | 550 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - twarz | 550 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - twarz + szyja | 750 zł |
Biolifting kolagenowy - twarz + szyja + dekolt | 950 zł |
Where are we?
Our clinic is located in the very center of the Gdańsk Wrzeszcz district. You can reach us by all means of public transport.
If you are traveling by car, you can park in the Garrison area, at the back of the VIGO building:
parking Garnizon Zabytki
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We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday between 9:00 – 20:00. Use the contact form in order for us to contact you, or please use the information below.
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Tak. Brak jest ogólnych przeciwwskazań do wykonania zabiegu z wykorzystaniem kolagenu oraz brak skutków ubocznych. Jest pochodzenia naturalnego, najbardziej z dostępnych na rynku zbliżony do produkowanego przez ludzki organizm.
Zabiegi z wykorzystaniem kolagenu są bezbolesne, nie wymagają stosowania znieczulenia.
Zabiegi z wykorzystaniem kolagenu mogą być wykonywane niezależnie od pory roku, jest preparatem „całorocznym”.
Kolagen, dzięki składowi zbliżonemu do kolagenu ludzkiego nie wykazuje żadnych skutków ubocznych. Zabieg może być wykonany praktycznie we wszystkich obszarach ciała.
Około 40% całego kolagenu organizmu człowieka znajduje się w skórze, gdzie stanowi on blisko 70% masy wszystkich białek. Kolagen stanowi strukturalną podstawę budowy skóry właściwej. Jest to białko fibrylarne, wytwarzane przez komórki tkanki łącznej, budującej warstwę skóry właściwej – fibroblasty, odpowiedzialne nie tylko za jego syntezę, ale też za rozkład. Zachowanie odpowiedniej proporcji pomiędzy syntezą a degradacją kolagenu jest istotne dla prawidłowej funkcji tkanki łącznej.
See also