Vaginal Infections – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
How to Recognize and Treat Vaginal Infections?
Vaginal infections are a problem that affects one in four patients visiting a gynecologist. They can occur regardless of sexual activity, affecting both women who are sexually active and those who are not. What are the symptoms, and how can they be effectively treated? Read below.
Causes and Symptoms of Vaginal Infections
The natural bacterial flora of the vagina and specific environmental conditions, such as the right pH, constant temperature, and humidity, provide protection against infections. However, when the microbiological balance is disturbed, an infection can occur. The most common types are:
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Caused by an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria such as Gardnerella vaginalis. It manifests as grayish-white discharge with an unpleasant odor.
- Trichomoniasis: Caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis, characterized by frothy, yellow-green discharge.
- Candidiasis (Yeast Infection): Most commonly caused by Candida albicans, it presents with curd-like, odorless discharge, severe itching, and redness of the vulva.
All these symptoms require consultation with a gynecologist, who will conduct appropriate examinations and make a diagnosis.
Diagnosis of Vaginal Infections
Diagnosis of vaginal infections at Mediss Medical Clinic begins with a detailed medical history, during which the doctor will ask about the history of previous infections and symptoms. Then, a gynecological examination is performed, assessing the condition of the genital organs. It is often necessary to take a vaginal swab for further laboratory tests to accurately determine the cause of the infection.
Treatment of Vaginal Infections
Treatment of vaginal infections at Mediss Medical Clinic depends on the type of infection:
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Treated with antibiotics or chemotherapeutics (most commonly metronidazole or clindamycin) orally or vaginally.
- Trichomoniasis: Also treated with metronidazole, which should be used according to the doctor’s instructions.
- Candidiasis (Yeast Infection): Treated with local antifungal agents, such as vaginal suppositories or creams.
During treatment, sexual intercourse should be avoided, and the doctor’s recommendations regarding intimate hygiene should be followed. It is important for both partners to be treated in the case of trichomoniasis, whereas simultaneous treatment of the partner is not necessary for bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis.
Preventing Vaginal Infections
To reduce the risk of recurrent vaginal infections, proper hygiene and care are important. Avoid introducing soap, bath gels, or douches into the vagina, as they can disrupt the natural bacterial flora. Intimate areas should be washed only externally, using gentle agents with appropriate pH or just water.
Diet also plays a key role – avoiding excess sugar and consuming natural yogurts can help maintain healthy bacterial flora. It is also advisable to wear cotton, breathable underwear and avoid tight pants to ensure proper air circulation.
Vaginal Infections and Pregnancy
Pregnant women with symptomatic bacterial vaginosis should consult a doctor, as this infection increases the risk of complications such as preterm labor. Treatment should be conducted under the strict supervision of a specialist to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
At Mediss Medical Clinic, we understand how troublesome vaginal infections can be. Our team of specialists is ready to provide you with the best care and effective treatment. Don’t wait, schedule an appointment today and take care of your intimate health!